Why do we grind coffee? The aromatic substances developed in the roasting (Specifically with the Maillard reaction ) remain trapped in the structure of the grain and only by grinding it can we...

How to prepare a perfect espresso !
L'articolo affronta l'importanza della preparazione di un espresso perfetto. I punti chiave includono la scelta di una miscela di alta qualità, la corretta macinatura, dosatura, livellatura...

Pods for restaurants, small hotels or clubs!
In conclusione, le cialde E.S.E. possono offrire numerosi vantaggi tra cui: estrazione uniforme del caffè, risparmio energetico, versatilità e facilità d'uso, sebbene i costi possano variare in ...

What temperature should the milk in your cappuccino be
Discover the importance of the temperature of the milk in a cappuccino. Whipping milk combines protein and fat for the perfect froth!

Because the teaspoon has to be served, not just for sugar
Today we face an espresso myth: mixing your coffee. While many don't use sugar, mixing is essential. During extraction, the density changes, and mixing prevents an unbalanced flavor. Debunking the...